Helium Explorer

Helium is a global, distributed network that provides public, long-range wireless coverage for LoRaWAN-enabled IoT devices and cellular devices. It operates on a token-incentivization model, connecting devices and applications using distributed nodes, including LoRaWAN™ and cellular networks.

The Helium network is the world’s largest continuous decentralized wireless network, and its governance is determined by the global community of Helium token owners. These owners include hotspot owners, network users, wireless network operators, hardware manufacturers, and more. Tokens are created by providing some form of work for the network, such as transmitting data packets through the internet on behalf of a network user.

The Helium network uses a novel work algorithm called “Proof of Coverage” to verify that hotspots accurately represent their location, configuration, and the wireless coverage they create. This incentivizes hotspot operators to deploy hotspots in underserved areas and report their deployments accurately.

The Helium network is also referred to as the “People’s Network” because it relies on a community of supporters, developers, and advisors. It includes thousands of ready-to-use devices, powerful integrations, and robust developer tools.

The Helium network is designed to address the challenges of connecting IoT devices to the internet, which can be expensive or power prohibitive with traditional networks. It uses long-range wireless technology and a secure blockchain to create a network that is built and owned by the users.

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